Pills have a healing power, but misused, they make you lose your mind.
"People buy them, they take more than they should and they get a euphoric feeling out of it," said the pharmacist, David Adams.
Adams acknowledges that there is serious abuse of dependency requirements. He feels that it is a problem if the pills must be kept locked at Adams Pharmacy.
"It's pretty powerful."
Drugs such as oxycodone, hydrocodone and other opiates can be fatal. In fact, the office of sheriff of Bay County reports 4 dead in past weeks, and 15 since January. It's like those numbers that Adams was put on alert.
"We use our own professional decision. If I think it's one of those pain clinics that is just dishing out prescriptions, I will not fill," said Adams.
It can spread rapidly through the community. According to the sheriff's office, a user can keep for themselves and sell the rest. A milligram is approximately $ 1 and that means 1 pill could go for about $ 5 to $ 10 million. This means they are available for purchase.
"Our Special Investigations Division, probably on a daily basis encounter people with prescription pills," said Maj. Tommy Ford's office sheriff of Bay County.
The sight of an overdose is frightening.
"A woman of 40 years was found with a syringe in his arm and his 3-year close," said Ford.
Gruesome scenes like that made the sheriff's office to take a stand. The sheriff has sent letters to federal, state and local government officials to help stop the disease.
"We asked them to do so and we have some indications that they work," Ford said.
The sheriff's office believes that the problem stems from pain clinics in southern Florida and the target is people in their 20s or 30. We hope their strong short-term is stopped before it is detrimental to long term to this community.